Lilian Borges, MA, LPC

Lilian Borges, LPC, is an experienced therapist, teacher, presenter, and
podcaster who has treated individuals and couples for more than thirty years.
Being binational herself, she can understand multicultural issues naturally, and
perform and teach psychotherapy in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
She’s an expert in Ericksonian Hypnosis, which she teaches both nationally and internationally and uses with individuals and couples to become and live their higher selves, and she’s trained professionals in hypnosis around the world for more than two decades. Lilian is part of the Milton Erickson Foundation Intensive Hypnosis Training faculty since 2001 where she trains other mental health professionals in Ericksonian Hypnosis.
She is Certified PACT therapist, and uses her dynamic, experiential, and hypnotic work with couples.
She currently has a private practice in Arizona, where she uses an array of techniques to help her patients with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, pain management, weight management, smoking cessation, etc.
She is co-host (with Rick Miller, LICSW) of the popular podcast Modern Couples.
Check out other conference recordings from Lilian Borges here!