
Lilian Borges, MA, LPC

Lilian Borges, LPC, is an experienced therapist, teacher, presenter, and podcaster who has treated individuals and couples for more than thirty years. Being binational herself, she can understand multicultural issues naturally, and perform and teach psychotherapy in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. …

Elliot Connie, MA, LPC

Elliott Connie, MA, LPC is a psychotherapist that practices in Texas. He is the host of the popular daily podcast, “The Aha Moments”. He has worked with thousands of individuals, couples, and families applying …

William Doherty, PhD

Bill Doherty is a Professor in the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota where he directs The Minnesota Couples on the Brink Project and The Citizen Professional Center. Clinically, he focuses on couples …

Shawn Giammattei, PhD

Shawn V. Giammattei, PhD is a clinical psychologist licensed in the state of California and the founder of the newly developed Gender Health Training Institute. He has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology …

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D., &Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D.

Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph.D., partners in life and work, are authors of three New York Times best sellers (Getting The Love You Want; Keeping The Love You Find; and Giving The Love That Heals) …

Rick Miller, MSW

Rick Miller, LICSW, is a psychotherapist with over 37 years of clinical experience whose career has evolved beyond practicing psychotherapy into becoming an acclaimed expert in interpersonal dynamics.

Clients and institutions he works with report tremendous …

Tammy Nelson, PhD

Tammy Nelson, PhD, is a renowned expert in the field of sex and couples therapy. She is a TEDx speaker, the host of the podcast The Trouble with Sex, and the author of six books, including Getting the …

Terry Real, LICSW

Terry has been a practicing family therapist for more than thirty years, and his work has been featured on NBC Nightly News, Today, Good Morning America, the CBS Early Show and Oprah, as well as in The New York Times, Psychology Today, Esquire, and numerous academic publications …

Stan Tatkin, PysD, MFT

Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT, holds a degree in clinical psychology. He is a clinician, researcher, teacher, and developer of A Psychobiological Approach To Couples Therapy® (PACT) which has training programs both nationally and internationally. In addition to his private practice …

Ari Tuckman, PsyD

Ari Tuckman, PsyD is a psychologist, certified sex therapist, and ADHD expert. He is a popular and dynamic presenter who routinely earns excellent reviews for his ability to make complex concepts …