Rebecca Jorgenson, PhD

Rebecca Jorgensen, Ph.D. is a Certified Trainer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT), and one of the original International Centre for Excellence in EFT (ICEEFT) Certified Trainers. She is also an ICEEFT Certified Supervisor for EFT with Couples, Individuals and Families as well as an AAMFT Supervisor. Rebecca completed her training with Dr. Johnson, and had the good fortune of training with Sue regularly until the month preceding her death in 2024.
Dr. Jorgensen holds a Faculty position at Alliant International University and is Director of the Alliant Training and Research Institute for EFT and the San Diego Center for EFT. She is a co-developer of Building A Lasting Connection® that provides products and workshops for couples and relationship educators and is co-owner of the EFT Counseling and Education Center that provides counseling and education to clients. She developed the best selling training video EFT Step by Step with and Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment endorsed by Dr. Sue Johnson. While Rebecca continues to provide training and supervision to clinicians around the globe, she also maintains a clinical practice seeing couples in an intensive therapy format.
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